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Studio Wolven

VriendenLoterij Eredivisie Campagne


This is an every year returning campaign and in collaboration with Eredivisie. The Eredivisie is the highest football division in the Netherlands in the paid men’s competition. When you join the lottery you can actual support your own Eredivisie Soccer Club. For each lottery ticket 50% is donated to the club of choice.

UX/UI Design



A/B testing

Design execution

I managed the end-to-end design process, ensuring on-time, detailed, and polished deliverables. I collaborated with developers to outline specs and deliverables, and with the content team to establish short and relevant copy guidelines for small screens.

My role

I led the efforts to implement a user-centered design approach and ensure good conversion was achieved. I’ve done research with users to ensure there are no barriers to completing the form. I also did the art direction for the digital deliverables, initiated and designed A/B tests and design of all deliverables.


I collaborated with a marketing team and frontend developers to understand and define the campaign goal, marketing needs and technical support.  


I have designed and presented the campaign to gain buy-in from  senior stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle..


For a big campaign like this, many banners are produced. Always in many variants and with a lot of testing.

E-mail testing

For this campaign I designed several A/B test e-mails to see which design converts better.